Kindergarten - Physical

Gross Motor Catching, tumbling, leaping, twirling, running – By kindergarten, physical confidence is blossoming.  Through group games and learning the fundamentals of various sports, our teachers present new skills that are practiced and learned both indoors and outdoors.  Our kindergarteners are given the opportunity to participate in more than the two hours of recommended physical activity everyday.

Fine Motor Beads, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, legos, k’nex, blocks, embroidery – Our kindergarteners are introduced to a variety of increasingly complex skills supported by a variety of art and manipulative materials that challenge their physical and creative skills.

Self Care Our kindergarteners are supported in continuing to build their personal care independence by expecting them to make an earnest effort to meet their own needs and when assistance is needed to ask for help.  Also, increasing their level of involvement in the group responsibilities prepares them for the social responsibilities of the School Age Program.


1100 School St.

Mansfield, MA 02048